Immigration Announcement
Gallup World Survey Reveals that More People Want to Immigrate to Canada

In the most recent survey conducted by Gallup – a global analytics and advisory firm, Canada was ranked for the first time as the second most preferred location. As per the Canadian immigration news, the country has been polled as the second most popular destination for potential newcomers after the United States.
For the first time since 2018, Gallup has made data on this subject available. According to the poll, 900 million people in 2021 would relocate permanently if given the chance. Since the business started gathering data in 2011, this percentage has been the highest ever.
The latest Canadian immigration news says that according to the data, the COVID-19 epidemic did not discourage people from wanting to immigrate to Canada. This is clear from the immigration news, that immigration has picked up again following the relaxation of travel restrictions due to the pandemic with the quickness.
Canada Gaining in Popularity As a Popular Destination
Canada has become a more popular destination for immigrants over the past five years. 8% of respondents in 2021 have said that they would like to immigrate to Canada instead of the United States. Even at 8%, Canada sits in the second spot in terms of preferred destinations for immigrants. Germany, Spain, France, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Japan are all between 3-7%. The region with the highest overall increase in people who would move permanently to another country was Latin America and the Caribbean, which showed a 19% increase between 2011 and 2021. More than 45% of respondents in Honduras, Ecuador, and the Dominican Republic would immigrate if they had the opportunity.
It is important to note that the poll found a disparity between those who would like to leave their home country and those who actually do. Many people who wish to immigrate are prevented from doing so by challenges posed by things like money, family, and employment possibilities.
The Country Plans to Welcome More Immigrants
Canada needs immigrants to solve a persistent labour shortfall brought on by an aging workforce with the lowest birth rates in the world. Without immigrants, Canada wouldn’t have a sizable enough revenue base to support social services like healthcare and education.
As a result, Canada publishes an Immigration Levels Plan every year that establishes goals for the quantity of new permanent residents the nation intends to accept. This objective is raised to 465,000 for 2023 and will rise as high as 500,000 per year by 2025.