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About Us – Canada Immigration News

Every great dream begins with a dreamer! Welcome to Canadian Immigration News, where dreams take flight and possibilities become reality. We think that every person has a special narrative to tell, and as you start your journey to Canada, we are here to help you develop yours.

Canada Immigration News is an immigration information provider company since 2020, that specializes in providing the latest updates, and news on immigration programs. We are aware of the importance of selecting the best immigration route for you, thus our knowledgeable updates assist clients in obtaining success in immigration.

Our Commitment to Immigration Information

We at Canada Immigration News are aware that the immigration procedure can be difficult and confusing. However, we are dedicated to offering the most up-to-date and accurate information as a result, to help you make informed decisions.

When it comes to immigration, we think that knowledge is a powerful tool. Because of this, our team of seasoned professionals and immigration specialists put out great effort to give you accurate, trustworthy, and helpful information. This information consists mainly of qualifying requirements, application procedures, the latest news, policy changes, program updates, and useful recommendations. Additionally, we carefully consider your needs when writing our blogs, guides, and other updates so that you can make wise decisions and take the initiative to realize your Canadian dream at the right time.

We have also designed the Canada Immigration News website to be user-friendly, which makes it easy for you to browse through our large collection of blogs, latest draws results, tools, and guidance.

So, whether you want to learn more about the Express Entry program, PNPs, or certain immigration options, CIN is designed to offer every type of information.

In short, Canada Immigration News represents more than a source of Canadian immigration information; it is also a thriving community of Canadian dreamers. You can connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and seek the most up-to-date results on our interactive website. Our community fosters support and camaraderie, providing a valuable network of fellow immigrants. It is time to explore your options, and programs in the process of applying for Canadian immigration, and Canada Immigration News is here to guide you.



PNP Draws & Updates

Prince Edward IslandJuly 1986 invitations
ManitobaJuly 18161 invitations
OntarioJuly 181,240 invitations
OntarioJuly 161,533 invitations
British ColumbiaJuly 1672 invitations
Check Out the Full List of PNP Draws➜

Canada Immigration News Podcast


Recent Express Entry Draws

DrawNumber Of InvitationsMinimum CRS Points
305 (French)1,800400
304 (CEC)6,300515
303 (PNP)1,391670
302 (French-Language)3,200420
301 (Healthcare)3,750445
All Express Entry Draw Results ➜


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