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Canada’s Employment Surges by 90,000, Average Hourly Wages Hit $35 in April 2024

Austin Campbell



Canada's Employment

In a significant development for Canada’s economy, the employment rate saw a notable uptick of 0.4% in April 2024. This surge translated to a staggering increase of 90,000 jobs across various sectors, marking a pivotal moment in the country’s labor landscape. What’s even more remarkable is the concurrent rise in average hourly wages, which soared to $35.

Employment Landscape in April

The surge in employment was particularly pronounced in several key industries, underscoring the diverse economic fabric of Canada. Sectors such as professional, scientific, and technical services, accommodation and food services, health care and social assistance, and natural resources experienced notable spikes in Canadian job creation. This broad-based expansion signals robust economic activity and job opportunities across multiple domains, laying a solid foundation for sustained growth in the coming months.

Part-Time vs. Full-Time Employment Dynamics

Delving deeper into the employment dynamics, the gains were predominantly driven by part-time employment, which saw a remarkable increase of 2.9% year-over-year. However, full-time employment also experienced a commendable uptick of 1.7% in April, indicating a balanced growth trajectory across both segments of the labor market. This bodes well for individuals seeking flexible work arrangements as well as those pursuing stable, full-time employment opportunities.

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Industry Spotlight: Where the Growth Happened

In April, employment witnessed notable surges in several service-producing industries, including:

  • Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Accommodation and Food Services
  • Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Natural Resources

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These sectors emerged as focal points of job creation, offering diverse career pathways and employment prospects for Canadians from various backgrounds and skill sets. Notably, the highest employment growth over the past year was observed in hospitals, social assistance, and nursing and residential care facilities, underscoring the pivotal role of these sectors in driving employment expansion and societal well-being.

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Provincial Breakdown: Employment on the Rise

Across Canada, several provinces witnessed significant increases in employment rates during April, reinforcing the nationwide trend of economic resurgence and job creation. Key provinces that experienced notable employment growth include:

  • Ontario: 0.3%
  • British Columbia: 0.8%
  • Quebec: 0.4%
  • New Brunswick: 2.0%

A Promising Outlook for Canada’s Labor Market

The surge in employment in Canada by 90,000 jobs coupled with the rise in average hourly wages to $35 heralds a promising outlook for labor market in April 2024. With diverse sectors driving job creation and provinces witnessing notable employment gains, the stage is set for sustained economic growth and prosperity. As Canada continues to navigate the evolving landscape of work and employment, these developments signal a bright future ahead for workers and businesses alike.

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