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Immigration Announcement

The Canada-U.S. border will remain shut until September 21

Austin Campbell



Canada United States border remain Closed

Since the coronavirus pandemic has taken over the world, traveling has become very difficult.

Canada and the United States decided to close their mutual border in order to lower the spread of the virus in the early days of the pandemic. The period of closure has been regularly incremented by a month ever since.

The announcement

Canada recently informed that they have decided to extend the border closure for one more month. The country is trying its best to protect citizens from the disease. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that the reason behind this step is that both countries want to keep their people safe.

Bill Blair, the Public Safety Minister, made an announcement that the border would continue to remain closed for non-essential travel. This closure is going to last until September 21. This marked the fifth extension of the travel restrictions between these two neighboring countries.

What are the rules?

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As of now, people from the United States are only allowed to come to Canada if they have an essential purpose. However, Canada has introduced some exemptions to this rule. Immediate family members of Canadian citizens and permanent citizens, Canadians coming home from the United States, and some American students are exempt from the rules.

Moreover, temporary workers can cross the border if they work in support supply chains and critical infrastructure. People can also travel to Canada from the United States if they are interested in immigration.

Traveling for reasons related to tourism, entertainment, and recreation is still forbidden. Both countries are prioritizing the safety of their own people and do not want to take any undue risks.

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