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Ontario Invites 190 Early Childhood Educators in Latest OINP Draws

Maureen Wall



Ontario Invites 190 Early Childhood Educators in Latest OINP Draws

On June 17, 2024, the Government of Ontario extended invitations to 190 early childhood educators and assistants through two targeted draws under the Ontario Immigration Nominee Program (OINP). These draws aim to address the growing demand for skilled professionals in the childcare sector, providing opportunities for both international students and foreign workers.

The OINP targeted two specific streams in this round: the Employer Job Offer: International Student Stream and the Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker Stream. A total of 84 invitations were issued to candidates under the International Student Stream, requiring a minimum score of 60 in the OINP Expression of Interest (EOI) system. Meanwhile, the Foreign Worker Stream saw 106 candidates invited, with profiles needing a minimum score of 39.

These targeted draws reflect Ontario’s ongoing commitment to attracting skilled professionals to support the province’s vital early childhood education sector. The demand for qualified early childhood educators and assistants continues to rise, driven by increasing enrolment in childcare programs and the province’s dedication to early childhood development.

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“Ontario is committed to supporting the early childhood education sector by ensuring that we have a steady influx of qualified professionals,” said a spokesperson for the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development. “These invitations will help meet the growing needs of our communities and support the development and well-being of our youngest residents.”

To date, Ontario has issued invitations to a total of 26,397 candidates across all streams in 2024, demonstrating the province’s proactive approach to addressing labour market needs through targeted immigration initiatives. The OINP’s focus on specific professions, such as early childhood educators, ensures that the province can maintain a high standard of education and care for its children.


The Employer Job Offer streams within the OINP provide a pathway for skilled workers and international graduates to gain permanent residency in Ontario. These programs require candidates to have a valid job offer from an Ontario employer, ensuring that the province attracts individuals who are ready to contribute to the local economy and address immediate labour shortages.

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The success of these targeted draws highlights Ontario’s strategic use of immigration to fill critical roles within the community. By prioritizing professions like early childhood education, the province is not only supporting economic growth but also ensuring that essential services remain robust and accessible.

As Ontario continues to invite skilled candidates through the OINP, the province remains a top destination for immigrants seeking new opportunities and a high quality of life. The targeted draws underscore the importance of early childhood education and the province’s dedication to nurturing its future generations.

For more information on the Ontario Immigration Nominee Program and details on the latest invitation rounds, visit the official OINP website.

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