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Immigration Announcement

Foreign workers in the following 10 professions will now be hired faster

Austin Campbell



Canada Labour Force Immigration

Canada has decided to expedite the hiring process for employers in certain industries. Employers will be able to hire foreign workers who work in professions related to agriculture, trucking occupations, and food processing faster and without hassle. There are ten specific occupations to which these rules apply. When hiring foreign workers, the employers will be able to skip a time-consuming process of getting the work permit.

The country has decided to waive the advertising requirement for LMIA or Labour Market Impact Assessment in some high-priority occupations. Employers, in order to obtain an LMIA, usually need to provide proof that there was no suitable Canadian who would be available to occupy the vacant position before they can place the job offer to a foreign citizen. Employers are required to advertise the position for hire on different platforms for up to three months to ensure that no Canadian will be able to fill up the position.

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Get your hands-on work permits

The minimum recruitment requirements applicable to all pending and future LMIA applications will be invalid for the following occupations:

  • Harvesting laborers (NOC 8611)
  • General Farm Workers (NOC 8431)
  • Transport Truck Drivers (NOC 7511)
  • Fish and seafood plant workers (NOC 9463)
  • Fish and seafood processing (NOC 9618)
  • Farm supervisors, agricultural service contractors, and specialized livestock workers (NOC 8252)
  • Nursery and Greenhouse Workers (NOC 8432)
  • Food, beverage, and associated products processing (NOC 9617)
  • Poultry preparers, industrial butchers and meat cutters, and related workers (NOC 9462)
  • Retail and wholesale butchers, meat cutters and fishmongers (NOC 6331)

Truck drivers who work in a province that requires Mandatory Entry-Level Training requirements should already have the certification when they get their work permit. These provinces include Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, etc.

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