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Top Myths Around Canadian Immigration – Busted!

Austin Campbell



Canadian Immigration

There are a lot of misconceptions about the Canadian immigration process and they have really misled people and made them drop the chance of immigrating to the land of dreams – Canada.

Here we will bust all the popular myths about the Canadian immigration process to help you start the process with the right information. Certainly, statistics do not lie, the Canadian immigration reality is far from the reality. So, here we go debunk them with you. 

1) Immigration increases crime in Canada

According to the survey by International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, immigrants are much less involved in illegal activities than the ones born in Canada. Immigrants looking to start their lives in the new country pose minimal risk to the country’s security. After landing in Canada, newcomers are looking for security for themselves and their families.

2) Immigrants are not as qualified as a Canadian

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Recent studies suggest that 40% of professionals who have trained abroad in a particular field and then chose to immigrate to Canada are successfully working in the same field as Canadians. All the professionals have to undergo rigorous training before they are permitted to work in the chosen profession in Canada, including training and stringent testing to ensure that the immigrant is as qualified as a Canadian professional.

It’s very essential to know that every foreign-trained professional credential is reviewed by an accredited Canadian assessment body to be employed in their field.

3) One can attain Canadian PR by buying a property in Canada 

Currently, there is no immigration program that is concerned with buying properties in Canada. Hence, one cannot migrate to Canada by just buying a residential, commercial, or industrial property.

4) One does not require an IELTS exam to immigrate to Canada as an Investor

This is not accurate. In order to meet the immigration requirement with respect to language proficiency, one can select between the IELTS general training or CELPIP for English exams or TEF or TEF for the French

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5) One can apply for a startup visa even if the business idea is not genuine 

If you wish to apply for a startup visa, the idea must be genuine. That means the business idea must be innovative, it must showcase how it can help increase jobs for Canadians and stand on a global scale.



PNP Draws & Updates

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OntarioJuly 161,533 invitations
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Recent Express Entry Draws

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