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Episode 14 – New Pilots, PGP Returns, Immigrant Work Trends, Ontario’s Nurses

Austin Campbell



Canada Immigration News Podcast Episode 14 - New Pilots, PGP Returns, Immigrant Work Trends, Ontario's Nurses
Canada Immigration News Podcast
Canada Immigration News Podcast
Episode 14 - New Pilots, PGP Returns, Immigrant Work Trends, Ontario's Nurses

Get the latest Canadian immigration news on new rural and Francophone pilots, the returning Parents and Grandparents Program, immigrant employment trends, and Ontario addressing its nursing shortage.

Rural and Francophone Immigration Pilots Launch

IRCC opened applications for the Rural Community Immigration Pilot and Francophone Community Immigration Pilot on May 21st. Up to 15 communities will be selected based on economic needs and settlement services to receive 5,500 new permanent residents annually.

Parents and Grandparents Program Invitations Resume

As of May 21st, IRCC is issuing invitations to sponsors for the Parents and Grandparents Program, aiming to approve 20,500 applications. Eligible sponsors must meet income and residence requirements.

Immigrants Work Longer

Data shows immigrant seniors in Canada work around 2 years longer than Canadian-born peers, often out of financial necessity. While some work past 65 by choice, many do so as they may not be retirement-ready.

Addressing Ontario’s Nursing Shortage

Ontario projects a nursing deficit of 13,200 by year-end, rising to 33,200 by 2032. The province is expediting credential recognition for internationally trained nurses and expanding federal skilled worker occupations to include nurse aides and orderlies.

Stay tuned for more immigration news and updates!

See also  Canada Immigration News Podcast #29 - Canadian University Rankings, Job Opportunities for Immigrants and More


PNP Draws & Updates

Prince Edward IslandJuly 1986 invitations
ManitobaJuly 18161 invitations
OntarioJuly 181,240 invitations
OntarioJuly 161,533 invitations
British ColumbiaJuly 1672 invitations
Check Out the Full List of PNP Draws➜

Canada Immigration News Podcast


Recent Express Entry Draws

DrawNumber Of InvitationsMinimum CRS Points
305 (French)1,800400
304 (CEC)6,300515
303 (PNP)1,391670
302 (French-Language)3,200420
301 (Healthcare)3,750445
All Express Entry Draw Results ➜


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