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Immigration Announcement

New VACs In The United States

Austin Campbell



Canada Immigration Application

Biometrics are an important part of any Canadian immigration application. Visa Application Centres or VACs across the world had to slow down or close their operations because of the coronavirus. Many prospective immigrants had to delay their plans of shifting to Canada because they could not submit their biometrics on time.

Recent Developments

Recently, VACs across the world have started resuming their operations allowing candidates to continue with their immigration process.

Residents of the United States will now be able to visit two new VACs that opened in San Francisco, California and Seattle, Washington. They have been built to offer just biometric collection services, presumably to provide people with more opportunities to complete their immigration. For all other VAC services as well as biometric collection, people can head to the New York and Los Angeles branches. Candidates also have the chance of submitting their biometric information to the 100+ Application Support Centres in the United States if they possess a Biometrics Introduction Letter.

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According to reports, the VACs in San Francisco and Seattle could operate just for one year after catering to those inconvenienced by the pandemic shutdowns. Since Canada requires almost all foreign immigrants to submit their biometric information, this measure is very beneficial.

Should you submit biometrics?

If you are applying for permanent residence, visitor visas, work/study permits, refugee/asylum status or permit extensions, you should submit your photo and fingerprints. The people in Canada who are aiming to become temporary residents do not have to submit their biometrics for now. Canada asks people to submit their biometrics only once in a decade.

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