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Immigrants Mitigate Labour Shortages and Drive Business Growth in Canada

Cherie Mclaughlin



Immigrants Mitigate Labour Shortages and Drive Business Growth in Canada

Immigration has proven to be a critical factor in alleviating Canada’s labour shortages, with the number of unfilled jobs dropping by a remarkable 39.7% over the past two years. From a peak of 990,900 vacant positions in the second quarter of 2022, the number has decreased to 597,725 by March this year. This significant reduction underscores the impact of immigration in countering the challenges posed by an ageing population and a low birthrate.

Immigrants have become an indispensable part of Canada’s workforce, filling vital roles in sectors such as food services, transportation, and construction. Economic immigration programs and the Express Entry system have facilitated the seamless integration of skilled workers into these industries, addressing labour shortages and ensuring economic stability.

Beyond addressing immediate labour needs, immigrants also play a pivotal role in business creation and entrepreneurship. One-third of Canadian business owners are immigrants, with notable concentrations in sectors like software development, dental services, and the restaurant industry. This entrepreneurial spirit is further bolstered by initiatives like the Start-Up Visa program, which enables foreign nationals to establish businesses in Canada, driving innovation and economic growth.

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The contributions of immigrants extend beyond filling job vacancies. They also significantly bolster the economy through taxes and spending, enriching the social and economic fabric of the country. Their entrepreneurial ventures not only create jobs but also foster a diverse and dynamic business environment.

The positive impact of immigration on Canada’s labour market and business landscape highlights the importance of maintaining robust immigration policies. By continuing to attract and integrate skilled workers and entrepreneurs, Canada can address ongoing labour market challenges and ensure sustained economic growth.


As Canada looks to the future, the role of immigrants in mitigating labour shortages and driving business creation remains crucial. Their contributions underscore the value of inclusive immigration policies that recognize and harness the potential of newcomers in building a prosperous and vibrant economy.



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