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CRS drops 2 points from earlier all-program draw under Express Entry

Robert Cannon



New Express Entry Draw

Canada decided to organize a new all-program draw in order to allow more Express Entry candidates to submit their applications for permanent residence. This recent draw included candidates from the Foreign Skilled Worker Program since they have been largely excluded ever since the country started targeting candidates belonging to the Provincial Nominee Program and the Canadian Experience Class after the pandemic broke out.

The draw that was held on August 5 led to the distribution of 3,900 Invitations to Apply (ITAs) for permanent residence. The candidates who succeeded in obtaining an invitation during the round had a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score of 476 or more.

How has IRCC been organizing draws?

IRCC has been distributing about 3,900 ITAs via Express Entry almost every two weeks this year. They had to opt out of all-program draws in the period between March 18 and July 8 because of the lockdown restrictions. They began holding draws for candidates belonging to two specific programs for a while, but that changed last month.

See also  Express Entry Draw #335 Invites 4,000 CEC Candidates For Permanent Residency

IRCC organized an all-program draw on July 8, and then switched to program-specific draws again on July 22 and July 23. This suggests that IRCC might be planning to alternate between these two kinds of draws until the situation comes back to normal.

The total number of ITAs distributed in 2020 was not influenced by temporary policy changes and it has stayed the same for the better part of the year.

Canada kicked off the year with two draws of 3,400 ITAs each and followed it up with a draw that issued 3,500 ITAs. February witnessed a record-breaking draw that led to the issuance of 4, 500 invitations. IRCC has hosted 21 draws since March and invited almost 40,000 candidates.

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PNP Draws & Updates

Feb 7Alberta308 invitations
Feb 6 Manitoba76 invitations
Jan 28 British Columbia10 invitations
Jan 24 Prince Edward Island 22 invitations
Jan 23 Manitoba 128 invitations
Check Out the Full List of PNP Draws➜

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Recent Express Entry Draws

DrawNumber Of InvitationsMinimum CRS Points
335 (CEC)4000521
334 (PNP)455802
333 (CEC)4000527
332 (CEC)1350542
331 (PNP)471793
All Express Entry Draw Results ➜


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