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Canada Gains Popularity As A Study-Abroad Destination

Margaret Cooley



Canada Unitet Kingdom study

The coronavirus pandemic has left its impact on the world in unforgettable ways. We saw the dynamic of the entire world shift in the space of one year because of this unanticipated disaster.

The United States has always been one of the most popular international study destinations among ambitious students. However, it seems that the pandemic has managed to dethrone the United States from its position of supremacy. Surveys carried out by educations.com found that students are beginning to prefer Canada and the United Kingdom to the United States when it comes to studying abroad. 

The aim of the surveys was to take the opinions of students on the prospects of international education in the post-COVID world. 

What caused the shift?

It is important to note that while Canada and the United Kingdom have experienced a rise in popularity, it is actually the dismal performance of the United States that has led to such dramatic results. Even back in January 2018, the United States was the top study-abroad destination for international students. By October 2020, it lost the top spot.

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There is no denying that the pandemic and its handling played an important role in the United States losing its charm for students, but there are other factors to take into consideration as well. For example, post-study options are important for students who want to continue living abroad. The United States, with its strict visa policies, does not offer many options for people from all fields.

Canada and the United Kingdom have improved their policies for international students between 2018 and 2020. Students have noticed, and now these countries are on their way to becoming the most-loved study abroad destinations.

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