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Express Entry

Express Entry: How to Prepare for July 2022

Joseph Creech



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The immigration minister, Sean Fraser announced on April 22 to resume Express Entry draws for Federal Skilled Worker Program and Canadian Experience Class Candidates. This announcement has certainly made an impact on the Canadian immigration landscape and comes as good news for applicants who have been waiting for over two years.

The onset of the Pandemic has significantly decreased the IRCC application processing capacity and led to several policy changes. Now, after the hard-hit impact of the Pandemic, Canada is coming back with its most popular economic immigration program FSWP (Federal Skilled Worker Program) resuming in July 2022.

Through the FSWP, Canada is looking to invite professionals and skilled workers from across the globe to successfully establish themselves in the country and fulfill the labour market shortage. The IRCC is also planning to resume another major federal immigration program Canadian Experience Class (CEC). Currently, Canada is facing the lowest unemployment rate, the highest number of job vacancies, an aging population, and a low birth rate. It has become more than important to reopen Canada for qualified skilled workers.

See also  Express Entry Draw #333: Invited 4000 CEC Candidates

Canada is planning to gradually increase its annual express entry admissions to more than 110,000 immigrants in 2024.

Submit your Express Entry Profile Before July

July might seem like a long way off however, here we list all the reasons why you should not delay submitting your profile to the Express Entry Pool.

  • You might receive an ITA by early July

Preparing and submitting an express entry profile takes time. The sooner you start and gather all the essential documents, the better your chances of getting into the express entry pool. For instance, one may need information related to travel documents, language proficiency tests, and educational credential assessment reports to name a few.

By starting early, you will have your paperwork in order by July and in a shape to receive an ITA for the permanent residence.

  • Benefit from the tie-breaking rule

Under the Express Entry CRS (Comprehensive Ranking System), applicants across the globe who are looking to immigrate to Canada are evaluated based on human capital factors such as age, education, language, and to name a few. In case of a tie, IRCC uses the date and time to entry into the pool as a tie-breaker. Thus, the first one to enter the pool is most likely to receive an invitation to apply.

  • Count on the benefits of PNP
See also  Express Entry Draw #334 Invites 455 PNP Candidates

The Provincial Nominee Program is one of the primary immigration pathways. The program is exclusively designed to encourage the immigration of skilled workers to settle in provinces across Canada. When a candidate submits a profile in the Express Entry pool and shortlists a province of their choice, the candidate will have a double benefit. First, you will receive an Express Entry invitation, and second, be selected by the province. Upon receiving the provincial nomination, the candidate will automatically get an additional 600 points toward the CRS score. The increased score improves the chances of receiving an ITA for the Canadian PR. 



PNP Draws & Updates

Feb 7Alberta308 invitations
Feb 6 Manitoba76 invitations
Jan 28 British Columbia10 invitations
Jan 24 Prince Edward Island 22 invitations
Jan 23 Manitoba 128 invitations
Check Out the Full List of PNP Draws➜

Canada Immigration News Podcast


Recent Express Entry Draws

DrawNumber Of InvitationsMinimum CRS Points
335 (CEC)4000521
334 (PNP)455802
333 (CEC)4000527
332 (CEC)1350542
331 (PNP)471793
All Express Entry Draw Results ➜


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